Signs of Labor

Posted by Healthfitline On Thursday, October 11, 2012
Pregnant women undergoes both psychological and physical changes. These changes are considered as normal part of pregnancy and signifies the progression of pregnancy. The physiological changes usually happens gradually, with different changes witnessed in each stage of the pregnancy and eventually affecting all the body systems.
These are important changes that happens inside the woman's body since they create a sense of responsibility and allow the woman to provide nutrients, oxygen to the growing fetus. They also help in preparing the woman for the coming delivery.
Signs of Labor
Signs and Symptoms of Early Labor
For first time mothers, lightening or descent occurs approximately two weeks before labor while for mothers who had previously given birth, it may happen a few hours before the delivery. The fetus moves down to the pelvic area, relieving the mother of the breathing problems since the stomach is no longer pressing on the diaphragm. As the fetus drop, the mother may experience leg pain due to increased pressure on the sciatic nerve. 

Increase in Urinary Frequency and Vaginal Discharge
The woman may notice an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge and she may frequently visits the bathroom due to the increased pressure on the bladder.
Increase in Activity
In contrast to a fatigued kind of feeling that the women felt previously, woman may wake up feeling more energized. This increase in activity level is associated with the increased production of epinephrine and decreasing level of progesterone, as the placenta ages. Epinephrine also plays a significant role in making the woman ready for delivery.
Braxtons Hicks Contractions
Braxtons Hicks contractions may become more regular and stronger. First time mothers usually have a hard time differentiating these type of contractions with the one experienced prior to real labor. Even though these kind of contractions are not meant to be very intense, sometimes they can become stronger and more intense as the woman approaches the true labor. A little change in position or taking a short walk usually help in decreasing the discomfort.
Pregnancy hormones are also responsible for causing abdominal discomfort, resulting into loose stool and frequent bowel movement. This is a natural way of clearing the bowel so as to create room for the coming baby.
Signs of Pre-Labor Contractions (False Signs of Labor)
  • Irregular contraction that do not follow any pattern.
  • No change in intensity, duration and frequency of the contractions.
  • Pain felt in the lower abdominal in the front area.
  • Pain and contractions are minimized by doing various activities such as; walking or lying down.
Signs of Labor (Signs of True Labor)
Uterine Contractions
The uterine contractions becomes more intense and painful. The time between each contraction shorten and they last longer. In the first stage of labor, the contractions may occur after 4-5 minutes, each lasting for a period 40-90 seconds. In the next stage of labor, the contractions increases in intensity further and they may occur after every 2-3 minutes, lasting for 60-90 seconds.
At this stage, the woman is already in the final stage of labor (the transition stage) and what is now remaining is the birth of the fetus, once the cervix is fully dilated and effaced. Women are advised to go to hospital once the contraction are lasting for 60 seconds and occurring at least 5 minutes apart.
Bloody Show
This is a pink tinge colored discharge that is a mixture of mucus and blood. When the cervix becomes ripe and softens, the mucus that cover the cervical canal is removed, exposing the cervical blood capillaries. When this happens, the intense pressure caused by the fetus, causes the blood capillaries to seep out some blood (mixing it with mucus) causing the bloody show.
Rupture of the Membrane
This may result into sudden gush of fluid from the vagina or fluid slowly leaking out from the vagina. In some cases, labor may start with a ruptured membrane, helping the fetal head to settle into the pelvic region. Even though this may hasten the delivery process, on the other hand, early rupture of membrane is also associated with increased risk of intrauterine infection and cord prolapse (a serious condition that interfere with the oxygen supply to the fetus) leading to fetal distress.
To summarize, the true signs of labor are different from the false signs of labor that I have discussed above in sense that;
  • Contractions increase in intensity, duration and frequency decreases.
  • They follow a regular pattern.
  • The pain is first felt in the lower abdomen and then extend to the lower back.
  • The pain level is not affected by activities like walking or change of position.
  • The woman experience intense grabbing and pulling pain that is continuous with the intensity of the contractions.
These are signs of early labor, false labor and true labor that any pregnant women should be educated about. By knowing what to expect during pregnancy, woman are more aware of the changes and can be able to recognize when real labor is beginning.
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