What is Guillain Barre Syndrome

Posted by Healthfitline On Monday, September 24, 2012
What is Guillain Barre Syndrome? This is the first question that comes in a patient's mind once diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. Guillain Barre Syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affect the nervous systems. It is not very clear on what causes it but it is believed to occur after a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. Patients suffering from Guillain Barre Syndrome experience signs long after the initial signs and symptoms of the original infection have disappeared.

Guillain Barre Symptoms
The initals signs and symptoms of Guillain Barre Syndrome includes;
  • Muscle and skeletal weakness especially on the extremities.
  • Numbness (loss of sensation)
  • Change in blood pressure (maybe low or high than normal ranges).
  • Change in reflexes  (missing or decreased reflexes reactions).
  • Decreased in pain sensation
  • Unstable gait
Note that, the initial signs and symptoms of Guillain Barre Syndrome are experienced on the lower part of the body or extremities but the infection progresses upwards. This is why Guillain Barre Syndrome is also known as Ascending Paralysis. 
As the disease progresses and infection moves farther towards the lungs and the heart, patient may start experiencing breathing problems, palpitation, difficult  in swallowing and speaking or even vision loss. These are emergency signs that need prompt medical care to save the life of the patient. If the patient reaches this stage, respiratory support system is required to help in breathing.

Guillain Barre Diagnosis
Guillain Barre is diagnosed using the following methods;
  • CSF (celebral spinal fluid) sample for analysis.
  • Use of electromyography - This is a test that is used to test muscle activity.
  • Through the use of ECG
  • Pulmonary tests

Guillain Barre Treament
There is no available treatment of Guillain Barre Syndrome and the treatment that is given is meant to reduce the severity of the disease and to prevent possible complications. In early stages, patient may undergo plasmapheresis; a form of treatment that is used to block the antibodies from affecting the nervous system.
Plasmapheresis is a very expensive procedure that involves removing of the infected patient's blood, sending it through a machine to remove the antibodies and then sending it back to the patient's body.

Other treament includes; pain relieving, respiratory support system, feeding support like use of NGT (nasogastric tubing) that are meant to help the patient in recovery process.
Lastly, Guillain Barre syndrome is a fatal disease and prompt medical attention is needed. Patients suffering from Guillain Barre Syndrome respond to treatment, differently and the recovery process may be influenced by the overall health conditions of the patients and past medical history.
According to National Institute of Diagnosis and Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the overall prognosis of Guillain Barre Syndrome is good. Most patients recover fully from this infection and only a few of them experience weakness, thereafter. Consult your physician if you think you are suffering from any form of weakness.


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