Types of Benign Skin Tumors

Posted by Healthfitline On Sunday, March 3, 2013
Bening skin tumors are non cancerous skin growth or lessons. Some of them are present at the time of birth, while others develop as one grows older or due to excessive exposure to sunlight. Some of them may grow bigger or darkens over time but most of them are harmless and do not require any medical treatment. However, some do change to cancerous tumors over a time and this one reason why frequent monitoring of any skin lesion is required, so that you can be able to notice changes as soon as they develop.

The following are some of the common bening skin tumors or growth;
Cysts are sac like structure that are filled with fluid or solid materials. They are slow growing and very common. Most of them develop from an infection or due to clogging of the sebaceous gland.  There are two types of cysts; Epidermoid cysts - commonly occur on the face, neck, upper chest and at the back. Pilar cysts (sabaceous cysts) occurs on the head.

Dermatofibroma is a non cancerous growth of the connective tissues that specifically affects the extremities (legs).  A firm, small, red or nodular growth that usually look like the color of the skin or it may be pinkish brown, caused by accumulation of soft tissues under the skin.

Neurofibromatosis (Formerly Known as Von Recklinghausen's Disease)
Neurofibromatosis is a hereditary genetic disorder, characterized by growth of bening tumors (pigmented patches) that vary in sizes. These tumors can develop anywhere in the nervous system, muscle or bone. In some patients, the tumor do turn to cancerous.

Seborrheic Keratoses
Seborrheic Keratoses are non cancerous tumors of different sizes.  They are wartlike lesions that differ in colors, ranging from brownish to black.  Seborrheic Keratoses are more common in the middle-aged individuals and elderly.  They are usually harmless and rarely cause any discomfort.

Actinic Keratoses
Actinic Keratoses are pre-cancerous skin tumors that develop from over exposure to sunlight. They usually appear scaly, rough with underlying redness. Some of them slowly progresses to malignant skin tumors (Squamous cell carcinoma).

Freckles are small, brownish patches on the skin that occur mostly on the face and arm. They become more noticeable when one is exposed to sunlight. They are very common on individuals with fair skin.

Warts are common bening tumors of the skin caused by viruses (human papillomavirus). There are more common in children between the age of 12- 16 years. However, they can appear at any age.

Keloids are small, smooth, firm overgrown tissues that forms at the site of injury or scar. They are mostly common in people with dark skin.

Angiomas are bening tumors or growth that results from dilatation of the blood vessels or due to formation of other new blood vessels. They usually affect the skin and the subcutanous tissues. Most of them are present at birth and occurs as flat, red-violet spots (port-wine angiomas) or raised nodular lesions (strawberry angiomas).   Strawberry angiomas usually disappear a few days into life while port-wine angiomas do persists for a long time.

Lipoma are growth formed by fatty deposits that forms under the skin. They are usually round or oval in shape and are more common in women than men. They tend to occur more often on the back of the neck, forearms, chest, back and on the abdomen.

Moles (Pigmented Nevi)
Moles are some of the most common skin tumors that comes in different sizes and shapes. They also differ in colors, ranging from yellowish, dark brown to black. Some moles are hairly nodules, flat, smooth or raised papules.  Most of them are harmless and rarely do they turn to malignant tumors.
Bening Tumor Diagnosis
The best way to diagnose a bening skin tumor is by biopsy. A tissue is apirated on the affected skin and then sent to the laboratory for histologic examination. However, biopsy is only done if the doctor suspects the tumor is malignant or it may be tranforming to malignant by looking at its characteristics. 

Some of the characteristics that may signal a bening tumor that is likely to transform to a malignant tumor include;
  • Lack of symmetry - when one side of the tumor is different from the other side.
  • Irregular border - if the edges of the tumor are irregular in shape or appear ragged.
  • Different color - if the tumor appears to be of different color.
  • Tumor diameter - if the tumor keep on in increasing in size in diameter.
In addition to the above assessment, patients are also evaluated for other systemic disorders and other medical conditions that may help in getting a diagnosis.
Treatment of Bening Skin Tumors
Most bening tumors do not require any treatment. However, some of them may lead to disfigurement  and may create some discomfort to the individuals concerned. The following are surgical procesure that can be used to treat a bening skin tumor;
Currettage and electrodesiccation - A process in which the tumor is removed by use of a currette, together with an electrosurgical units to stop bleeding during surgery.
Surgical Tumor Excision - The tumor is surgically removed by cutting through the skin and then stitching back the skin after removal.
Cyrosurgery - A process is which a very cold liquid nitrogen is sprayed on the tumor to thaw or freeze and destroy the bening tumor.
Intralesional Corticosteroids Therapy (For Keloids) - Steroids solution is directly injected on the lesion to improve its appearance or to reduce its size.
Other way to cover up the bening tumors like angioma is by use of cosmetic covermark or dermablend to hide the lessions.


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